An EPSRC Funded Research Project
Triboelectrification: Modelling, Validation and Application
An EPSRC Research Project
Predicting triboelectrification from the solid-state molecular base to resolve troublesome issues, such as cohesive arching, caking, segregation and in extreme cases fire and explosion, in manufacturing of particulate products, and advancing Tribo-Electric Nano-Generator (TENG) technology from a fundamental basis.
Can the ‘effective’ work function be predicted for individual facets of a crystal and validated against KPFM and surface characterisation by sessile contact angle method?
For a crystal with different work functions for different facets, can the effective work function for a single grain be validated against single particle impact charge transfer, averaged over many particles?
How can the knowledge and methodologies be applied to improve the performance of TENGs?
How can the charge distribution in powders in the size range of industrial interest, typically in the range of 10-1000 µm, be measured?
Can the bulk behaviour at mesoscale be predicted by CFD-DEM and validated against experimental work?
Can the charge build-up in unit operations such as circulating fluidised beds and pneumatic conveying lines be predicted from single particle data, including the effect of charge neutralisers?
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